What is Loss Cover?

Loss Cover is a feature included in the Ahh program in which Axi will cover your loss of up to $500SGD for a period of 90 days. 

This means that the first $500 SGD of losses that you’ve incurred within 90 days after account funding are covered.

For example, if, at the end of the 90 days, you made a loss of $450, then Axi will cover your loss of $450. It will be a no loss trading experience for you. 

If, at the end of the 90 days, you have made a loss of $700, then Axi will cover $500 losses. Your net loss will be $200. 

We wanted to make sure you could succeed in your trading. What’s better than having your losses covered?

What are your feelings
Updated on May 18, 2023